Anthropological trip to Benin from 12 to 21 April 2025 / From 2,500€

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Anthropological trip to Benin to discover one of the most complete and fascinating destinations in West Africa. For decades, Benin was forgotten by tourism due to its political situation and lack of accommodation. In the last 10 years, it has established itself as the ideal country to discover the most authentic Africa.

We present an anthropological trip to Benin that combines ethnography and architecture. We will start the trip in the animist South, attending Voodoo ceremonies and exploring the Afro-Brazilian neighborhoods of the coastal cities. After immersing ourselves in the tropical South, we will continue towards the Muslim North to discover beautiful adobe villages and tattooed nomadic tribes. We will travel in a comfortable minibus and take canoes to reach the most remote places.

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Discover the highlights of this anthropological trip to Benin

► We will delve into Voodoo culture and religion

During this anthropological trip to Benin, we will delve into voodoo culture and religion to try to understand the cosmology of this religion. We will explore the Rivière Noire, a sacred area for Voodoo followers. We will navigate the black waters of the river in a traditional canoe through the jungle until we reach a ‘tohoso’ temple, a branch of Voodoo that worships children born with some kind of deformity.

► We will meet different traditional tribes of Benin

Ije tribe

During this anthropological trip to Benin, we will meet the Ije or Holi ethnic group, famous for the body tattoos worn by older women. Also, the traditional architecture of the villages is noteworthy.

Taneka tribe

During this anthropological trip to Benin, we will take an excursion into Taneka tribal territory. This people is originally from Togo and emigrated to these hills, fleeing Islamic expansion and slavery. The Taneka Mountains are one of the most magical places in northern Benin. We will visit the animist priests and walk to the village of the blacksmiths at the top of the sacred mountain.

Ditamari people

On this trip to Benin, we will have the opportunity to visit a Ditamari or Somba community. They are the so-called ‘adobe artists’ as they build beautiful two-story structures to house their livestock on the lower part and their families on the upper part. The young Ditamari single men usually live in a kind of battlement on the terrace of these mini-mud castles. We will explore several ‘tatas’ or fortified houses around Boukombé. The more traditional Ditamari still scarify their chest and face with a special knife during the dry season.

Tofi tribe

We will visit the lake city of Ganvié, the mythical “African Venice”. We will tour this large town of houses on stilts inhabited by the Tofi ethnic group, who have lived on the lake since the 18th century.

Bariba tribe

During this anthropological trip to Benin, we will visit the kingdom of Nikki, the historic capital of the Bariba tribe. Upon arrival in this small town, we will greet the king and admire the royal horses and the rides of decorated horsemen.

Fulani Borgu tribe

We will visit a camp of Fulani borgu nomads, famous for their facial tattoos and decorative hairstyles.

► We will discover Afro-Brazilian architecture

During this anthropological trip to Benin, we will visit several examples of Afro-Brazilian architecture. In Porto Novo we will explore the Afro-Brazilian neighbourhood, with its magnificent central mosque, and visit some family homes.

© Photos by Edith Scharffenberg, Jordi Zaragozà Anglès, Ingrid Koedood, Aníbal Bueno and Xavi de las Heras taken during an anthropological trip to Benin.

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Map of Benin

Below, you will find the map of Benin.

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