Trip to South Sudan: Traditional tribes of Equatoria

meeting with Toposa woman during ethnographic trip to South Sudan I encuentro con mujer toposa durante viaje etnográfico a Sudán del Sur

This trip to South Sudan allows the traveler to spend quality time with the most traditional ethnic groups of the country. We will camp near the tribal communities to experience their daily lives. Thus, will be able to picture this unique world that has been hidden from the World due the long Civil War that […]

Trip to northern Afghanistan: Wakhan tribes and Kyrgyz nomads

meeting with Kyryz people during trip to Afghanistan I encuentro con pueblo kirguis durante viaje a Afganistán

Trip to northern Afghanistan: Wakhan tribes and Kyrgyz nomads This trip to northern Afghanistan focuses on the Wakhan region, land of traditional ethnic groups such as the Iskashimi, the Sangleshis and the Wakhis who reminds us of the peoples of Eastern Europe in the 19th century, Also, we will tour the the Little Pamir, the […]

Trip to Southern Nigeria: Lagos and Yorubaland

masquerade during-egungun-festival-nigeria

Last Places has designed this trip to southern Nigeria with the aim of learning about the worldview of the Yoruba people as well as the Orisha religion, also known as Voodoo. This trip has been designed for lovers of cultures and religions, passionate about history and adventurers. This trip to southern Nigeria, focused on the […]

Trip to Northern Nigeria: Durbar Festival and Hausa Emirates

attending to Durbar Festival during trip to Nigeria I asistiendo al Festival Durbar durante viaje a Nigeria

Last Places have designed this trip to northern Nigeria with the aim of getting to know the Hausa people‘s culture. To achieve it, we will visit the emirates of Kano, Zaria and Dutse, where we can admire old Hausa-style adobe palaces as well as meet members of royalty. During this time of year, Durbar Festival […]

Trip to Angola: tribes, giant baobabs and desert landscapes

trip angola

On this trip to Angola we will explore the remote southwest of the country with the objective of different traditional tribes, and thus be able to photograph all its beauty. The first part of this trip will through the interior. The landscape changes radically, as well as the tribes that we will visit. We will […]

Trip to Mali: Dogon Festival, adobe mosques and tribes

witnessing masquerade of Dogon tribe during ethnographic trip to Mali I presenciando mascarada de la tribu Dogon durante un viaje etnográfico a Mali

Ethnographic trip to Mali to get to know different traditional tribes of the country. This ethnographic trip to Mali is designed to attend the Ogobagna Festival of the Dogon tribe and get to know different traditional tribes of the country, such as the Mandinka, Bambara and Bozo tribes. This ethnographic trip to Mali offers the […]

Trip to Siberia: Coexistence with the Nenet

meeting with the Nenets during a trip to Siberia I encuentro con los nenets durante un viaje a Siberia

During this trip to Siberia, we will live with the Nenet nomads. We will spend several days living with a family of Nenet shepherds, participating in their lives and daily activities. In addition, we will delve into the role of Nenet women within society. Download the itinerary for this trip to Siberia to live with […]

Trip to Tanzania: Rare tribes and ecosystems

meeting with traditional Datoga tribe woman during trip to Tanzania I encuentro con mujer tradicional de la tribu datoga durante viaje a Tanzania

Trip to Tanzania to rediscover a highly visited country. After 10 years of researching different tribes that live in remote areas of the country, Last Places has designed an itinerary with the aim of getting to know the least visited and most fascinating tribes in the country. In addition, we will discover the unique ecosystems […]