Anthropological trip to Sulawesi: Ancient cultures and rituals

learning about funeral ceremonies of the Toraja people during anthropological trip to Sulawesi I aprendiendo sobre ceremonias funerarias del pueblo toraja durante viaje antropologico a Sulawesi

During this anthropological trip to Sulawesi we will tour the most ancient cultures and rituals of the Sulawesi archipelago, in Indonesia. We will travel from the mountains that house the Toraja cemeteries and funerals, in the interior of Sulawesi, to tiny islands within the Wakatobi National Park. An underwater paradise where the lords of the […]

Tribal trip to Indonesia: Tattoos and ancient traditional culture

traditional mentawai elder from Siberut Island Indonesia

This tribal trip to Indonesia is designed to get to know the Mentawai and Minangkabau people in depth. Their traditional lifestyle is being seriously threatened by globalization and the radicalization of Islam in the area. The Mentawai Islands offer white sand beaches and warm water on their coast. In their interior, in the middle of […]

Tribal trip to West Papua: Dani and Korowai tribes

meeting with Korowai people during trip to West Papua I encuentro con pueblo korowai durante viaje a Papúa Occidental

This tribal trip to West Papua is designed to explore the remote communities that inhabit the province of West Papua. To do this, we will fly over one of the most virgin areas on the planet in a small plane, we will cross its lush jungles on foot, and we will cross rivers, for hours, […]

Trip to Sulawesi: cultures and ancestral rituals

map of the itinerary of the trip to Sulawesi in August 2024 I mapa del itinerario del viaje a Sulawesi en agosto 2024

During this trip to Sulawesi, we will take a tour of the most ancient cultures and rituals of the archipelago, in Indonesia. We will travel from the mountains that house the Toraja cemeteries and funerals, in the interior of Sulawesi, to tiny islands within the Wakatobi National Park. An underwater paradise where the lords of […]

Trip to Indonesia: Tribal tattoos and ancient traditional culture

traditional mentawai elder from Siberut Island Indonesia

This trip to Indonesia is designed to gain an in-depth understanding of the Mentawai and the Minangkabau. Their traditional lifestyle is being seriously threatened by globalization and the radicalization of Islam in the area. The Mentawai Islands offer white sand beaches and warm water on their coast. But in the interior, in the middle of […]

Trip to West Papua: Dani and Korowai tribes

Dani people man wearing nasal piercing during trip to West Papua I hombre del pueblo dani con abalorio nasal durante viaje a Papua Occidental

This trip to West Papua is designed to explore the remote communities that inhabit this unknown corner of the world. To do this, we will fly over one of the most virgin areas on the planet in a small plane, we will cross its dense jungles on foot and cross rivers using small boats; all […]