Equatorial Guinea /

Bwiti is a cult or spiritual movement practiced by the Fang tribe of Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and Gabon, as well as other ethnic groups such as the Punu and Mitsogo. The etymological root of the word bwiti is a distortion of the word Bo-hete, which means empowerment or release of a fluid. Therefore, bwiti would be that which allows a person to obtain freedom from it. This religion incorporates animism, ancestor worship, and, in some cases, Christianity into a syncretistic belief system.

The bark of the iboga root has been consumed for hundreds of years in initiation ceremonies of the Bwiti rite. Also, it has been consumed in healing and other rituals. The effect of the bark of the Iboga root produces deep sleep and a trance state. The initiation rite focuses on the young initiate's consumption of iboga, which allows him to obtain spectacular visions that will be used to validate his incorporation into the group of initiates.

Do you want to attend a Bwiti ceremony?

During our next trip to Equatorial Guinea from 9 to 17 December 2024, we will witness a bwiti ceremony in the jungle area of ​​Cogo. It will undoubtedly be one of the strong points of this trip to Equatorial Guinea. Click here for all the details of the trip.

Bwiti practitioners use the root bark of the Tabernanthe iboga plant, especially cultivated for religion, to promote radical spiritual growth, stabilize community and family structure, meet religious requirements, and resolve pathological problems. Some alkaloids present in iboga have psychedelic properties, which distort perception and induce the consumer to have hallucinations.

© Photos by Jordi Zaragozà Anglès taken at a ceremony held during a trip to Equatorial Guinea.

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    Sobre el autor

    Joan Riera

    Joan Riera (Barcelona, 1978) es licenciado en Antropología y Sociología por la Universidad de Richmond (UK). Está especializado en religiones animistas y procesos de recuperación cultural entre sociedades tribales. Cofundador de Last Places, Joan combina la investigación académica con la organización de expediciones etnográficas a los últimos lugares del mundo.

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