Anthropological trip to Siberia from 28 March to 5 April 2026 / From 2,970€

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During this anthropological trip to the Siberian Arctic, we will live with a family of nomadic shepherds: the Nenets. We will share several days with them, in which we will participate in the different activities they carry out, many of them outdoors, which can reach temperatures of up to -45ºC. In addition, we will delve into the role of women within this society, in which each figure is key to the survival of the group.

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Discover the highlights of this trip to Siberia to live with the Nenet

► The Nenets will welcome us

Our anthropological trip to Siberia will start at Salekhard airport, where we will meet the guide. We will begin our journey to the Nenet nomad camp riding a trecol, a car prepared to travel through the snow and create the least impact on the soil of the ecosystem that will surround us for the next few days: the tundra. The approximate travel time is 5 to 8 hours, depending on weather conditions, among other factors.

Upon arrival, our hosts will welcome us and, following their tradition, we will deliver some small gifts for the family, or simply some sweets and cookies for the children. We will enjoy lunch and dinner in the company of what will be our family for the next few days, who will prepare some of the most traditional dishes of Nenet cuisine.

We will spend the night in a chum, the traditional house of this nomadic people of the Arctic. A wooden structure covered with meticulously sewn reindeer skins to insulate the interior of the house from the external cold. Here we will all sleep, together with the family. They will prepare our bed with reindeer skins and, in addition, we will be able to use our sleeping bags; It must be taken into account that the minimum temperature of the sleeping bag must be -20 °C to -50 °C. During the night, the stove will not be on, so the temperature may be similar to that outside.

► We will join the Nenets in their daily tasks

During this anthropological trip to Siberia, we will spend several days living with a family of Nenets shepherds, participating in their lives and daily activities. We will share all meals with our family, being able to taste and learn about traditional gastronomy. Also, we will have the opportunity to accompany them to collect ice, and we will learn the technique they use daily to obtain enough water for drinking and cooking. In addition, on this anthropological trip to Siberia we will go to collect firewood to keep the chum stove always lit. Likewise, we will have the opportunity to share long and interesting talks to learn and understand their worldview and beliefs.

Reindeer herding

Of course, during this anthropological trip to Siberia, we will go out in search of the reindeer herd by snowmobile or sleigh. These animals can be found dozens of kilometers away. We will see the important role that Samoyed dogs have for this community, considered another part of the family. If our hosts deem it appropriate, we will be able to witness the capture of a reindeer and the sacrifice of this animal, sacred to the Nenet community.

Ice fishing

During this anthropological trip to Siberia, we will accompany them fishing and observe the different fishing practices they carry out; Some families continue to use the fly fishing technique, others use nets that they leave for several days in frozen lakes or rivers after making small holes in the ice to insert and secure them.

Making the traditional Nenets costume

We will learn how women make traditional costumes from reindeer skin for all members of the family. This is a very important task when temperatures reach such extreme levels.

► We will delve into the role of the Nenets woman

On this anthropological trip to Siberia, we will delve into the role of Nenets women within society and understand the importance of the distribution of tasks among its members. The women are the ones who build the houses, treating and weaving the reindeer skin to make the niuk (cover for the chum). In addition, they are in charge of making the clothes of the whole family.

© Photos by Aníbal Bueno taken during an anthropological trip to Siberia.

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Map of Siberia

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