24 September - 07 October ( 13 días / 12 noches ) / TRIP COMPLETED

Ethnographic trip to Ivory Coast to fully explore the country. Culturally speaking, it is one of the richest countries in West Africa. Once, a country 'spoiled' by France and the world's leading cocoa producer. Nowadays, Côte d'Ivoire is reborn from its ashes after a bloody civil war that plagued the country from 2002 to 2007.

This trip to the Ivory Coast will begin with an urban tour of the coastal city of Abidjan. Next, we will move towards the country of anyi, near the border with Ghana. There, we will have the privilege of witnessing the naming ceremony of a young woman as a komian priestess. We will visit Aniasue, the spiritual center of the Anyi tribe, to immerse ourselves in the local religion. On the way to Yamoussoukro, we will stop to visit a traditional Baule village and learn about their culture.

Afterwards we will head towards the center of the country to Yamoussoukro, the political capital of the Ivory Coast. There, we will take an architectural tour in which we will visit the imposing Basilica of Our Lady of Peace. Also, we will visit the great mosque and the central market.

We will continue towards the mountainous east of the Ivory Coast. First, we will visit the land of the Guro tribe, a tribal minority of peasants. We will meet the local kings and enjoy a traditional Zaoli dance. Next, we will head towards the mountainous region of Man, territory of the Guere people. We will learn about their ancient practices and enjoy the mythical snake girls ritual and the powerful aesthetic of masquerades on stilts. Finally, we will move to the remote forested region inhabited by the Kru. We will observe the face painting process, which will culminate in a dance.

Our road will continue towards the dry north of the country. Between Odienne and Korhogo, we will stop at a Peul or Fulani village. Also, we will visit some Senufo villages scattered throughout the savannah. We will admire its unique vernacular architecture and some beautiful animistic ceremonies and dances. The route will continue in an easterly direction. We will visit the historic city of Kong, which maintains Sudano-Sahelian style buildings. In a nearby town, we will meet the secret society of the tchelés, as well as their unique outfits.

We will start the last part of the trip, heading south. Near Bouake we will have the opportunity to meet the local king of the Niaforo people and enjoy a traditional dance. At the port of Tiassale, we will take a canoe down the Bandama River to observe the sacred hippos. This ethnographic trip to the Ivory Coast will end with a walk to explore the city of Grand Bassam and meet the Nzema tribe.

Download the itinerary of this ethnographic trip to the Ivory Coast

It is an ethnographic trip focused on the culture, religion and aesthetics of the most traditional tribes of the Ivory Coast. In the trip itinerary you will find all the details. Download it using the form that you will find below. Click here to easily reach the form.

The guide will be Joan Riera, anthropologist specialized in African societies. More information about the guide.

Discover the highlights of this ethnographic trip to the Ivory Coast

During the ethnographic trip to Ivory Coast we will witness ceremonies of the most traditional tribes

► Ceremony led by Komian from the Agni tribe

We will visit King Agni and some of the traditional shrines in Niable. In the town of Niasoue, the spiritual center of the Agni tribe, we will witness a traditional religious ceremony led by Komian priestesses.

► Snake girls ritual of the Guere tribe

The mythical Snake girls ritual consists of an incredible show based on acrobatics. The face paintings of the participants are a delight for photographers and anyone interested in African art.

► Zaouli dance of the Guro tribe

This traditional dance consists of a very fast movement of the legs, while the upper part of the body appears immobile or moves only slowly horizontally.

© Photos by Aníbal Bueno and Emili Bayona

► Download the detailed itinerary of this ethnographic trip to the Ivory Coast

This ethnographic trip to the Ivory Coast is focused on the culture, religion and aesthetics of the country's most traditional tribes. Click on the button below to easily reach the itinerary download form.

Map of Ivory Coast

Below, you will find the map of Ivory Coast.

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