Ethnographic trip to Madagascar from 15 to 25 June 2025 / From 3,380€

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Last Places’ team of anthropologists and travel experts has designed a unique ethnographic trip to Madagascar that focuses on the most interesting tribal groups, including the Zafimaniry, the Mikea and the Vezo. During the trip, we will also visit several natural areas to get a global idea of the island. In addition, we will have the opportunity to observe endemic fauna and flora, such as ring-tailed lemurs and baobab bottle trees.

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Discover the highlights of this ethnographic trip to Madagascar

We will enjoy the magnificent woodwork of the Zafimaniry people

During this ethnographic trip to Madagascar, we will visit a traditional Zafimaniry village, built entirely of wood without the use of nails. We will enter the house of the village chief, who will explain to us a series of architectural and artistic traditions that have been respected for centuries in construction. The woodworking of the Zafimaniry ethnic group was declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2003.

We will observe ring-tailed lemurs in Anja Park

The Anja Park forest is home to one of the most important communities of catta lemurs, the friendly ring-tailed lemurs. In this small valley nestled between imposing rock massifs that dominate the landscape, hundreds of these lemurs have found refuge and can be observed up close.

Trekking through the gorges and canyons of Isalo National Park

We will visit the most beautiful park in Madagascar: the Isalo National Park. There, we will find beautiful natural pools and waterfalls that suddenly appear among the rocks. The landscape is reminiscent of Colorado, with savannas and mountains eroded by the natural elements.

We will admire different types of baobabs

Baobabs are the plants that perhaps most represent Madagascar. We will have the opportunity to observe giant baobabs as well as baobab bottle trees, an endemic species that characterizes the thorn forest of Reniala Park. It is a dense forest growing on the desert sand.

We will meet the Mikea tribe

The Mikea tribe is an ethnic group that lives hidden from the sensitive forest in the south-west of Madagascar. The Mikea can be compared to the Baka because of their small dimensions and their ways of life. They collect honey, hunt and exchange some tobacco and other products. The Mikea called “naked men” dress for most Salaka.

© Photos by Jordi Zaragozà Anglès taken during an ethnographic trip to Madagascar.

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Map of Madagascar

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