FULLY BBOOKED | 15th - 24th October 2022 / TRIP COMPLETED

Travel-expedition to Chad through one of the most beautiful deserts on the planet and UNESCO World Heritage Sites: dunes, rock formations, and hundreds of cave paintings that tell us about a more fertile Sahara and with complex civilizations centuries ago. The route has a strong ethnographic and nature component and has been designed for adventurous travelers seeking authentic experiences in the heart of Africa.
We will move in 4x4 vehicles through this wild country. We will be accompanied by a cook and local guides from the beginning to the end of the expedition.

The guide will be Lucía Madrid. It carries out anthropological and cultural dissemination, focused on the role played by women in the different societies it visits. More information about the guide.

Highlights about the trip to Chad

Chad is a great destination, recommended for any traveler interested in natural spaces that are still unspoiled and not overcrowded by mass tourism that is reaching further and more frequently. Chad is a huge country, with a purely Saharan north and a scrubland south, with herds of elephants and scarified tribes. Chad has great potential and there are more and more travelers, exploring new deserts, new tribes and ceremonies. The lack of comfortable accommodation may have hold some people back, but this is changing due to social and political peace in a long-troubled country. At Last Places we have made a determined bet on Chad for its beauty, authenticity and unlimited potential.

Ennedi Desert, World Heritage Site

The Ennedi desert is the most beautiful and spectacular of the great Sahara, with large rock formations and full of impressive rock paintings and engravings. Ennedi is a natural sandstone masterpiece spanning 50,000 km2 of sculpted landscape punctuated by cliffs, natural arches, mushroom-shaped rocks, and giant labyrinths. Nicknamed "Eden in the Sahara", the reserve is located within the Ennedi Massif, a mountainous refuge.

Nomadic desert tribes and the Fulani tribe

Chad is a nomadic country with more than 50% of the population moving each year from north to south in search of water and pasture for dromedaries, cows, goats and sheep.
Tribes such as the Red Arabs and the Fulani stand out for their facial scarifications and complex hairstyles.

Map of Chad

Below, you will find the map of Chad.

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