Trip from 29 Mar. to 5 Apr. 2025 (8 d. / 7 n.) / From 3,690€

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Last Places have designed this trip to northern Nigeria with the aim of getting to know the Hausa culture. To achieve it, we will visit the emirates of Kano, Zaria and Dutse, where we can admire old Hausa-style adobe palaces as well as meet members of royalty. During this time of year, the Durbar Festival parades are usually held in the emirates, so we will try to attend the ones in Kano and Zaria. Also, we will meet the Zul tribe, enjoy the spectacle of a clan of 'hyena men' and witness a Sharo Festival of a Fulani community.

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Discover the highlights of this trip to northern Nigeria

► We will discover the culture of the Hausa people

During this trip to northern Nigeria, we will visit the Kano, Zaria and Dutse emirates to immerse ourselves in the culture of the Hausa people.

Durbar Festival

The Durbar Festival is a cultural, religious and equestrian celebration held annually, usually coinciding with major Muslim festivities. It was born as military parades on 14th century. During the celebration of the Durbar Festival, each noble house parades before the Emir, acting as a regiment, to demonstrate their loyalty to him as well as displaying that they are ready to defend him in the event of war.

Hausa architecture

The Hausa architecture stands out for its adaptation to the dry and hot ecosystem, since its thick walls keep the interior cooler and more insulated. Hausa buildings are full of colorful motifs and decorations. The complexity of the decoration of the facades usually demonstrates the wealth and social position of the owner.

Dambe boxing

Dambe boxing is a traditional martial art of the Hausa people. During the fight, the competitors try to subdue the opponent until one of them achieves total submission, mainly in three rounds.

► Meeting with the Zul tribe

We will visit a town of the Zul tribe. This animist ethnic group has unique traditions, such as facial tattoos (only seen in older generations) and a particular mirror dance.

► We will attend a 'hyena men' show

On this trip to northern Nigeria, we will have the opportunity to witness the show of a clan of 'hyena men'. This is a cast of masters in the technique of taming wild animals, which is used to entertain at special celebrations and to recover the custom of magic in rural areas.

► We will witness a Fulani Sharo Festival

In the Fulani community of Kantoga, we will be able to witness a Sharo Festival. During this event, young men hit each other with sticks to demonstrate their bravery and strength.

© Photos by Jordi Zaragozà Anglès, Aníbal BuenoandJorge Fernández taken during a trip to norhtern Nigeria.

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Map of Nigeria

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