"The cradle of Humanity", an incredible garden of cultures
In the Dorze Mountains and the Omo Valley you can find the highest concentration of diverse ethnic groups in Ethiopia. The resistance to the Italian colonization and the natural refuge that constitutes its geographic surroundings provided to the groups of the zone an isolation with respect to the western influence. These conditions have given rise to a small oasis with a rich cultural diversity.
The hottest place in the world: sulfur, salt and lava
The Danakil region is unique on the planet, geologically, naturally and culturally. It is the hottest point on the globe, exceeding 60 degrees at certain times of the year. There, there is the possibility of touring the enigmatic and infinite salt lake, touring lands where sulfur stains yellow and green landscapes that seem from another planet and towering active volcanoes. It is not surprising that it is the only place in the world where there is no microscopic life.
Impressive churches carved out of the rocky soil of Lalibela
Lalibela concentrates eleven orthodox churches belonging to the Zagwe Dynasty excavated in reddish rock. The city stands as one of the most important pilgrimage points in the country and hosts many impressive festivities. This complex of architectural constructions was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1978.