Ethnographic trip to Mali: Ogobagna Festival of the Dogon tribe

witnessing masquerade of Dogon tribe during ethnographic trip to Mali I presenciando mascarada de la tribu Dogon durante un viaje etnográfico a Mali

w Ethnographic trip to Mali to get to know different traditional tribes of the country. This ethnographic trip to Mali is designed to attend the Ogobagna Festival of the Dogon tribe and get to know different traditional tribes of the country, such as the Mandinkas, Bambaras and Bozos. This ethnographic trip to Mali offers the […]

Trip to Iraq: Archaeology, landscapes and ethnography

visit to the great mosque of Samarra during the trip to Irak I visita a la gran mezquita de Samarra durante viaje Irak

Trip to Iraq focused on enjoying the archeology and landscapes of the country, as well as getting to know different peoples and cultures. Saddam Hussein’s regime, the US invasion followed by sectarian conflict and the rise of Islamic State have kept Iraq isolated from tourists for decades. The visit of Pope Francis in 2021 put […]

Northern nomadic tribes, safaris and relax in Lamu Island

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