Dates: March 18th to 31st, 2023 (14 d. / 13 n.) / TRIP COMPLETED

During this ethnographic trip to Mali and Burkina Faso we will enjoy two of the most interesting and exciting countries in the African Sahel.

The route will begin in Mali, the epicenter of the ancient Malinké Empire, and we will explore historic cities such as Segoukoro, Djenné and Mopti. We will navigate the Niger River to admire the wild landscape of this Africa that refuses to change... We will end our stay in Mali with a foray into the Dogon Country. Sliding down the Bandiagara Escarpment, los poblados dogones albergan los secretos cosmogónicos iconizados por las eléctricas dances with zoomorphic masks. This area is fragile as it has been closed for years due to regional instability. Little by little things are beginning to normalize and we will seize the moment.

The last part of this ethnographic trip passes through Burkina Faso, an agricultural country with great cultural diversity. One of the most attractive tribes is that of the bwas, near Bobo Dioulasso. Clinging to their animist creeds, this ethnic group preserves its spectacular masks that contrast with the Dogon ones due to their almost cubist aesthetics. After this cultural show, we will continue to Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso to return home.

Throughout the trip we will travel in comfortable 4x4 vehicles, we will sleep in hotels and camp in the Bwa village. To know the services included and excluded in the price, consult the itinerary.

The trip is designed for lovers of adventure, architecture and traditional ethnic groups.If you want to know the detailed itinerary you can download it using the form that you will find below.Click here to easily reach the form.

The guide of this ethnographic trip to Mali and Burkina Faso will be Joan Riera, anthropologist specializing in African tribes. More information about the guide.

Discover Sudanese-style adobe architecture

We will visit various Sudanese-style adobe buildings, palaces and mosques in historic cities such as Djenné and Mopti.
Djenne is one of the historical wonders of Africa. We will visit the old town, its incredible mosque and we will walk through the narrow streets and the Koranic schools.
The historic center, along with several surrounding archaeological sites, were declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988.

We will enjoy a great cultural diversity

Throughout the course of this ethnographic trip we will visit different communities of the Bambara, Fulani and Bozo ethnic groups.

We will enter the enigmatic Dogon Country
We will visit amazing villages built inside the rocks of the cliffs. The group of populations of the Bandiagara Fault have been considered a World Heritage Site by Unesco since 1989. We will enjoy the beautiful traditional Dogon architecture.
We will explore remote areas to live with traditional communities that still practice the animist religion. There we will be able to delve into their culture and witness authentic masked dance.
We will admire the Dogon art through its wonderful carved doors, sculptures, masks and some decorative objects.

We will live with the Bwa
We will camp in a remote village to learn about their customs and experience a traditional dance with wooden masks and vegetable fibers.
The aesthetics of this ethnic group stands out for the facial scarifications and body tattoos that some older women present.

We will get to know the Kasena and their architecture
We will continue to the Mossi region of Ouagadougou, where we will visit the Kassena tribe. This ethnic group is known for its vernacular adobe architecture and the beautiful way of decorating their homes.

Do you want to know the detailed itinerary of the trip?

The trip is designed for lovers of adventure, architecture and traditional ethnicities. < strong>Click here to easily reach the itinerary download form.

Map of Mali

Below, you will find the map of Mali.

Coming departures

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